
Robust Optimal Operation of Water Distribution Systems

Perelman, G.; Ostfeld, A.; Fishbain, B. Robust Optimal Operation of Water Distribution Systems. Water 2023, 15, 963.

Optimizing the Performance of Water Distribution System Under Intermittent Supply Contidions Using a Heuristic Technique

Perelman, G., Xing, L., Housh, M., Kandiah, V., Fishbain, B., Shafiee, E., 2022. Optimizing the Performance of Water Distribution System Under Intermittent Supply Contidions Using a Heuristic Technique. WDSA-CCWI Joint Conference, Valencia, Spain, 18-22 July 2022

Critical Elements Analysis in Water Supply Systems to Improve Energy Efficiency in Failure Scenarios

Perelman, G., Fishbain, B. Critical Elements Analysis of Water Supply Systems to Improve Energy Efficiency in Failure Scenarios. Water Resour Manage (2022).

Synthesizing water-related time series for simulation studies while maintaining the original signal’s statistical moments

Perelman, G. and Fishbain, B.: Synthesizing water-related time series for simulation studies while maintaining the original signal’s statistical moments, EGU General Assembly 2022, Vienna, Austria, 23–27 May 2022, EGU22-8805

Optimal Wellfield Operation under Water Quality Constraints

Perelman, G., Ostfeld, A., 2021. Optimal Wellfield Operation under Water Quality Constraints. J. Water Resources Planning and Management 147, 1–14.

Water leak localization using high-resolution pressure sensors

Levinas, D., Perelman, G., Ostfeld, A., 2021. Water leak localization using high-resolution pressure sensors. Water (Switzerland) 13, 1–12.